Monday, November 1, 2010


First off, I would like to say how easy it is to forget about his portion of our class. I'm not a blogger, so I constantly forget that I have to get on here and add posts.

I spent my midsemester break in Grand Rapids, Michigan. There I was working on planning future events with University Programming. It was a great time. While I was there, I noticed the presence of marketing and branding all over the place. Every vendor there wanted to persuade every school there that they were worth booking. So to do that they had to market themselves better than everyone else

After a while I noticed the trend that every vendor, comedian, magician, and Joe Shmoe was pushing themselves virtually. They all had blogs and websites that they were begging everyone to see. They us to see their last visit to Greece. Or when they sang with Justin Beiber.

But it wasn't evening annoying.

It was interesting to see how everyone used the internet to draw a crowd and sell themselves. Everyone goes their own way on the internet. It is something that I want to be involved in. As the work place gradually becomes more digital, I want to be on the cutting edge of e-marketing.